About us

The idea of Just Like Mama Day Care was perceived in 2018 due to the growing need for families to find a safe and ultra-modern facility which at the same time feels like home, while they conquer the hassle and tussle of work.

Just Like mama Day Care ensures the early childhood development of toddlers through all-engaging care and fantastic outdoor play

We have multiple clean, spacious and well ventilated classrooms for toddlers. Each of the said classrooms has one bathroom-washroom. The really little ones are not left out as there is a special nursery dedicated to babies from 3 to 12 months.

There is a large indoor play area with a variety of toys, a library full of different story and textbooks as well as other resources to enable the mental development of the toddlers. Our large compound is also a plus as it allows them to play their light hearted games.

Our Staff

Our staff is specially trained to treat children with empathy, tender love and care. They are highly intelligent and are more than ready to impart knowledge on toddlers from their first words up until they are able to read sentences. They are equipped to think on their feet, pay attention to detail, and be able to rise to every occasion.

Health & Safety

Just Like Mama Day Care has an onsite paediatric nurse to ensure that toddlers and babies leave the school in perfect health just as they came in. Cleaning services are also provided twice a day, making our environment conducive for playing and learning.

Safety is paramount. We comply with all the rules of the Environmental Protection Agency. We are located at East Legon Hills, a developing, serene and safe area. Our facility has zero risk of accidents occurring. It is very well ventilated and has fire extinguishers as well as smoke detectors.

Healthy Meals Provided

Children at such tender age need healthy meals to grow their muscles and strengthen their bones. This is why at Just Like Mama Day Care, we have made it a point to provide toddlers with nutritious meals.

Covid Protocols Observed

In these trying times of a pandemic, all Covid related protocols are taken extremely seriously as everyone in the facility is mandated to wear a nose mask. Water and soap is provided at the entrance to perpetuate our hand washing culture. A hand sanitizer dispenser is placed at the door to ensure that we do not risk carrying germs and the likes into the facility. Upon arrival, the temperature of all individuals is taken by an employee to eliminate the fear that one may be running a fever due to contracting the virus.

Admissions for 2025 in Progress!

 Admissions are open for infants within the ages of 3 months to  6 years. After-school care with homework support is an additional option.